Presidential Campaigns Need Reform


As far as election related expenditures and funding, I believe the entire system needs to be reformed. I believe congress should set a fair, standard campaign allowance for the candidates they appoint to run for presidency. It's no secret that campaigning costs a lot of money, but as a taxpayer and a registered voter, I'm interested in what the candidates have to say, rather than their backers putting words in their mouths, and having them commit to promises that I'm unaware of and probably wouldn't approve. It basically solves these two issues that I think, most taxpayers are concerned with. Besides, the constitution allows the congress to collect income tax to run the government, elections are required to take place, after a certain number of years, depending on the type of election is at hand.


Now, with a reform such as that, if corporations and unions wanted to use their general funds to help influence the public, that is their right. However, if the corporation or union was to take such action, certain provisions should apply; such as clearly stating the name of the corporations or unions involved in every message that is publicly broadcast.


A system like this, would help prevent money laundering, quid pro quo, and help reduce the amount of impact personal finances of a particular candidate would have on becoming elected. Citizens would also maintain their right in expressing their thoughts and ideas freely.


The system that we currently have in place has many problems, one being the amount of energy and resources required to fund campaigns, and the countless loop-holes that lead to scandals, and tie our leaders into commitments they weren't otherwise interested in, for the sake of funding. The current system also detracts our politicians focus from the issues at hand and deteriorates our democracy. It is both unconstitutional to limit the amount unions and corporations can contribute to electoral expenses, however, it is also unconstitutional for unions and corporations to “buy” the votes needed for their choice candidate to win.

These are my beliefs, thoughts, and opinions.

